Call For Oral Sessions & Poster Abstracts

Submissions due September 30th, 2024

We are no longer accepting submissions.

The Female Athlete Conference is the first and largest interdisciplinary event dedicated to advancing the health and performance of female athletes. Our audience consists of stakeholders from across the sport and exercise science field, including medical providers, mental health clinicians, athletic trainers, dietitians, physical therapists, researchers, policymakers, coaches, and athletes themselves.

Share your research and experience at the 2025 Female Athlete Conference and submit an oral session or poster abstract.

Proposals are due September 30, 2024, 11:59 pm EDT

Decisions will be released November 15, 2024

The Female Athlete Conference connects stakeholders from across the sport and exercise science field. We encourage submissions from those involved directly or indirectly in the health and performance of female athletes at any performance level.

Topics for oral sessions and poster abstracts include, but are not limited to:

  • Clinical care and sports medicine

  • Sports science

  • Sports nutrition

  • Mental health

  • Coaching considerations

  • Female athletes across the lifespan

  • Sports and the community

Presenting at the conference is an opportunity to share your insights and innovation, attain international recognition, and gain valuable feedback to refine and strengthen your work.

Visit the 2023 and 2021 Female Athlete Conference schedules for examples from prior events.

Oral Presentations

We welcome a variety of oral session submissions, including clinical symposiums, clinical case studies, research posters, and panel presentations.

Oral sessions are formal, in-person, 20- or 40-minute presentations and can take the form of podium presentations or panel discussions. Length will be determined by the FAC selection committee.

Sessions are recorded and available for the on-demand conference, which will run from June 16th to September 21st, 2025.

    • Please submit only one proposal per session.

    • All oral session submissions must be written in English and be a maximum of 2,750 characters with spaces, not including title, presenter names, affiliations, references or disclosures.

    • In addition to the session proposal, during submission, you will be required to submit:

      • 3 learning objectives

      • 3 post-test questions

      • Headshot for all speakers

      • Brief bio for all speakers

      • Curriculum Vitae for all speakers

      • Select three to five keywords that describe your submission

    • Response to equity, diversity, and inclusion question: Does this presentation/study address issues of equity and diversity and/or inclusion of historically marginalized groups? If not directly addressed, please explain why and offer a suggestion as to how future work might expand its impact.

    • The exact written session should be an original submission, meaning it should not have been accepted or published prior to the 2025 FAC. 2025 FAC-accepted written submission proposals will be published in conference materials and journals and, as such, may not be published/presented elsewhere in the submitted form at the time of presentation.

    • The FAC committee does not require a specific submission structure for all oral session submissions; submitters may use their discretion to determine the appropriate sections, format, and structure.

    • Oral session submission is free of charge.

    • All oral sessions will:

      • Be in person at the Seaport Hotel in Boston.

      • Comprise either a 20- or 40-minute live presentation at the discretion of the FAC committee; you will be notified of the exact length of your session at the time of acceptance.

      • Be recorded and available for on-demand access for three months after the conference. By submitting an oral session, you agree to this.

    • A maximum of 2 presenters are permitted for podium presentations, with the exception that panel submissions may include a maximum of 5 presenters.

    • Submitting presenters agree to have their accepted sessions published in conference materials and conference proceedings.

    • Should an oral session be accepted, submitting presenters agree to cover registration fees and any other costs associated with presenting at the 2025 FAC.

    • Awards will be provided for the top oral presentation. The best overall presentation will receive a trip to our sister conference in Australia, the 2026 Women in Sport Congress (WISC).

    • Under extenuating circumstances, if the submitting presenter is unable to attend/present, the FAC committee may allow an alternate presenter. Please email as soon as possible to inquire.

Poster Abstracts

Poster abstracts focus on research data and innovative findings in a visual format.

Presenters are limited to one person who has the opportunity to share their findings in two ways:

  • In-person poster presentations will occur at the 2025 FAC from June 4th to 6th, 2025.

  • Virtual posters will be available during the on-demand conference from June 16th to September 21st, 2025.

    • All poster abstract submissions must be written in English and be a maximum of 2,750 characters with spaces, not including title, presenter names, affiliations, references or disclosures.

    • Poster abstract submission is free of charge.

    • For poster abstracts, please include the following sections in your structured abstract:

      • Background

      • Methods

      • Results

      • Discussion/Conclusion

    • In addition to the abstract, you will be required to submit:

      • Headshot

      • Curriculum Vitae

      • Response to equity, diversity, and inclusion question: Does this presentation/study address issues of equity and diversity and/or inclusion of historically marginalized groups? If not directly addressed, please explain why and offer a suggestion as to how future work might expand its impact.

    The exact written poster abstract should be an original submission, meaning it should not have been accepted or published prior to the 2025 FAC. Written submissions will be published in conference materials and journals and, as such, may not be published/presented elsewhere in the submitted form at the time of presentation.

    • Authors can submit abstracts for either an in-person or virtual poster presentation.

      • In-person poster presentations will occur at the 2025 FAC June 4th-6th.

      • Virtual posters will be available on-demand during the virtual conference which runs from June 16th through September 21st, 2025.

    • Only one author may present the poster.

    • Should an abstract be accepted, submitting presenters agree to cover registration fees and any other costs associated with presenting at the 2025 FAC.

    • Under extenuating circumstances where the submitting presenter is unable to attend/present, the FAC committee may allow an alternate presenter. Please email the as soon as possible to inquire.

    • Awards will be provided for the top virtual and in-person poster presentations.

    • In-person poster presentation boards are 48 ¼ inches wide and 72 inches high. Poster size is at the discretion of the author, but must fit on the board.

Speaker Financial Assistance

A core tenet of the FAC is spreading clinical and research takeaways to support female athletes worldwide. In line with our mission, we are excited to announce the addition of speaker financial assistance for the 2025 FAC; an application for financial assistance will be available when submitting either an oral session or poster abstract.

If you are applying for financial assistance, you will be prompted to opt-in during the submission process and provide a brief paragraph explaining your interest in attending and presenting at the 2025 FAC. Scholarships will be allocated based on both financial need and submission merit.